"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Nelson Mandela



If you want to support us and our educational work, we look forward to your donation. No matter if small or big, once or monthly. Your support makes a big difference.


Triodos Bank N.V. Germany

IBAN DE38 5003 1000 1080 9480 06


Note:Please include your address and email address in the purpose, so that we can send you a donation receipt.

Tip: Write the "@ sign" of your email address in the intended use in the following form: (at).

For further questions please contact us directly via our contact form

Transparenz ist uns wichtig. Wir sind daher der Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft (ITZ) beigetreten.


If you think what we do here is great and would like to support us with your time, ideas or knowledge, please feel free to write us a message. 

If you are interested, we will be happy to send you our membership application.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Support via Betterplace

We have also recently launched a fundraising project on the “Betterplace” platform. There we want to collect a total of EUR 15,000 project-based as pandemic support for the following topics:

  1. Cost coverage for additional premises - deposit & rent for 6 months
  2. Renovation and furnishing costs of the new school building
  3. Mitigate the increase in food costs of school meals (for 6 months)
  4. A one-off pandemic bonus payment for committed employees

Feel free to stop by there, donate or share the page on social media or in your network. Thanks very much!

We thank our supporters!